2025 Box Lacrosse Registration - Page 3


Please note the following registration requirements as set by the RMMLA. Please read carefully before proceeding to registration. 

Available Spots - Regardless of date registered, completing online registration does not guarantee that your son or daughter will have a spot on an RMMLA team.  You will be contacted by a Division Manager closer to the start of the season with information regarding placement on an RMMLA team.  In some cases, when divisions are full or we do not have enough players to build another team, the RMMLA may have to release returning and/or new players.  In this case, players will receive a full refund from the RMMLA and have the option of joining another lower mainland association.

Availability of Coaches - The RMMLA is run by volunteers: this includes our coaches.  Registration does not guarantee that your son or daughter’s team will have an experienced, qualified coach.  The RMMLA does its best to recruit and retain qualified coaches for all teams; however, there are cases where we are unable to fill a coaching vacancy, in which case we would require a parent to fill the volunteer position or may look at other options up to and including folding the team.

Team Placement/Movement - We cannot guarantee that your child will be placed on a specific team, with a specific coach, or with specific teammates.  Also, we cannot guarantee that your child will be placed on a team that fulfills individual scheduling needs.  In addition, at times we will have to move kids between teams even after the season is underway and games have been played.

Team Fees - Please note that once your child is placed on a team, it is up to the Coaches and Parents to determine any required team fees collected to pay for tournaments, travel, apparel, or other.  This is a requirement of being on a team.  Expect team fees of $150.00 to $300.00 or more.  Please contact us if finances are an issue.

Volunteer Requirements - The RMMLA relies on volunteers for the success of its program. Thus all members are required to complete a minimum amount of hours each season and supply a volunteer deposit cheque. For more information please see our Volunteer Policy (subject to change as per RMMLA policy)


By clicking here to proceed, I understand and agree to the above requirements



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