Your diligence in this area is important to ensure that play during these conditions is not detrimental to the balance of the season.
Thank you all for your cooperation keeping community sport fields in good condition.
Coaches are reminded of the field usage rules:
No spectators permitted inside fence (only persons participating in practice and coaches) on turf fields
No food (of any kind) or drink (except water) is permitted inside the fence on turf fields
Coaches must ensure that all garbage and items left by team are taken away after use of any fields
Coaches are asked to leave the field on the scheduled time, meetings or talks can take place outside the fenced area to enable next team to have their full practice time.
Lights can be accessed in the boxes at each of the fields with the 3303 key (small one).
They will turn off automatically at 10:00pm at all fields but if there is no one at the field when you leave - turn off the lights.