2025 Box Lacrosse Registration - Page 1

 RMMLA 2025 Box Lacrosse Registration



The BCLA is now using RAMP as their registration software. As this is the first box season using this system, please be patient. Everyone who didn’t register for field will need to create a RAMP profile, enter your player(s) details & upload your player(s) proof of birth & residency. Once you have completed your RAMP profile & player(s) details you will not have to do it again for subsequent registrations.  

Contact our Registrar registrar@rmburrards.com with any registration questions or concerns.



Referee Abuse

Ridge Meadows Minor Lacrosse will not tolerate any abuse of referees, from coaches, players, other team staff, or spectators.  Ridge Meadows Minor Lacrosse wants to ensure that referees can officiate games in a safe, non-threatening environment and will not be subjected to any critical, disparaging, or otherwise abusive remarks.  Ridge Meadows Minor Lacrosse expects all coaches, players, and parents to assist in maintaining the highest standards in sportsmanship and personal conduct.  Any report of referee abuse will be dealt with seriously.  

Youth Division Tryout Fee

Youth interested in trying out for an 'A' team in a Male Division (U11, U13, U15 or U17) will have an option to select that during the registration process. The fee is $50.00 to attend tryouts and will be added to your registration fee. 

Female Division Tryout Fee 

Please note that the LMMLC (Lower Mainland Minor Lacrosse Commission) has not yet determined which female divisions, if any, will have tiering. This is dependent on the number of teams in each division within the LMMLC thus a Female Division Tryout Fee may be required at a later date. 

Female Division Interlocking Games

Please note, female teams may be expected to travel to Vancouver Island, at their own expense, to play an interlocking weekend game(s) once during the season. 

Discount Information

Sibling Discount: Oldest child pays full price, second child gets 10% off, any additional child gets 20% off. To obtain these discounts please use the below discount codes when registering:

  • 1STSIB = 10% off second child
  • 2NDSIB = 20% off third child
  • 3RDSIB = 20% off fourth child

Please remember that the oldest child pays full price and then the young siblings will receive the discount. These codes can only be used once per registration and will be monitored for improper use.

Full-Time Goalie: Registration is FREE for full-time Goalie's in Divisions U11 & up. Please use discount code FTGOALIE when registering. This code can only be used once per registration and will be monitored for improper use. 

Refund Policy

Refunds of registration fees must be applied for in writing to the club Registrar and are subject to the following:

  • Full refund, less $25.00 upon receipt of request prior to February 1, 2025
  • 50% refund, upon receipt of request prior to March 31, 2025.
  • No refund given after March 31, 2025 except for valid medical reason. 

If a valid medical reason is provided to the Registrar and President, a registration refund shall be pro-rated based on when the season-ending injury occurred, less any league fees that the RMMLA incurs, and the cost of uniform shorts (if provided).


Registration Fees


Age before December 31, 2025

Regular / Late*



$215 / $294



$252 / $331



$315 / $394  



$341 / $420



$368 / $446



$378 / $457

U9 (Female)


$252 / $331

U11 (Female)


$315 / $394

U13 (Female)


$341 / $420 

U15 (Female)


$368 / $446 **FULL/WAITLISTED**

U17 (Female)


$378 / $457

U22 (Female)


$378 / $457 **FULL/WAITLISTED**


*please note - the RMMLA has a numbered registration policy in place.  There may not be room for all players initially registered here.  See Policy Manual on our website for full details.

Regular Registration - until January 31, 2025

* Late Registration - February 1, 2025

Mandatory $75.00 late registration fee


Click here to proceed with Registration


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